Syrian Women

by Majd Abou Hamad

Life walks on two feet (man and woman) and we cannot do without either of them in order to prevent society from limping and being unable to make any headway. Women have a crucial role in society which is that of mother, wife, babysitter and they are also responsible for giving men compassion and strength to enable them to continue their struggle in life.

This is especially true for Middle Eastern women and Syrian women in particular due to their strange capacity for patience. This became clear after the trials and tribulations Syria went through paving the way for Syrian women to prove that they were able to shoulder the responsibility associated with rearing a family. Syrian women did this despite the attitude of the Eastern man, which does not encourage women to work, because to him they are a sacred being who should not make physical efforts. However, recent events that took place in the country forced Syrian women to join the workforce because of the absence of men due to the ongoing war.

Syrian women, due to their potential and ability to learn new skills, also showed that they were able to face up to the burden of life and take part with men in all fields of work. This is partly due to strange powers that Syrian women have in their genes enabling them to endure the hardships associated with life and always come out on top because Syrian women do not know defeat.

At political level, Syrian women have always played a significant role and assumed high positions where they were able to express their opinions in lawmaking and take part in drafting such laws. This was possible for Syrian women because of their extensive experience in matters of state and their far-reaching vision of the future of the state. In fact, women can lead an entire state. They could have inherited that might from women who lived in Syria throughout history. One of the prominent examples of such women is Queen Zenobia, who is known as the strongest freedom fighter that Syria bore.

She faced up to the Roman Empire with all its might. She ascended to the throne after her husband was killed and assumed power on behalf of her son thanks to her wisdom, clarity of vision and speech. Even the highest military commanders and fighters obeyed her orders. Queen Zenobia led armies and fought military battles where she was victorious. She became an example for fighters and other Syrian women to follow. They in turn became an example to be followed by other women in their moments of weakness.

Moreover, we should not forget Syrian women’s cultural role. For Syrian women are renowned among other women for their love of science and knowledge. In fact they could devote many years for the sake of obtaining high degrees enabling them to manage companies and banks. In fact, in some companies the rate of hiring women has exceeded that of hiring men. This was due to women’s extensive experience in administrative work.

This was also due, not only to the availability of books and libraries throughout Syria, but also to the Syrian women’s quest of knowledge and love of reading. Syrian women are fond of reading world literature and going deep into the details of the lives of peoples, their thoughts and cultures in an effort to improve her knowledge and to remain abreast of what is going on around them.

Lastly, according to a recent British study report, Syrian women came third in the world beautywise behind Hungarian and Polish women. According to the study, Syrian women were so sensitive and sympathetic that they were regarded as “worldwide beauty queens.” This made the peoples neighbouring Syria wish they would become close relatives with those women, due to their strange attractiveness and also due to their high moral values. The standards of Syrian women are so high that it should be an example to be followed throughout the world in the fields of success, beauty and culture. At the end, no matter how hard we try to describe Syrian women, we will never give them justice because of all the criteria of perfection that Syrian women possess.

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